New Ways to Donate!

Hey friends and family,
While we get our dossier docs authenticated so they can go to court in Taiwan we have added a VERY special way to donate to the adoption TAX DEDUCTIBLE! You read that right. You can now make a donation for our adoption that is 100% tax deductible. Can I get an AMEN?!
How is this possible you ask? Well, simply go to this link and click “donate”. The money will go directly to our agency.

What better way to give and help us reach our goals of paying for the girls visa’s to enter the U.S. citizens. We have applied for grants as well, but that will only take us part of the way. We couldn’t do it without your support, prayers, encouragement, and of course donations. God is so good and faithful to help us each step of the way. We are truly blessed.

The enemy tries so hard to keep these orphans in bondage and out of loving homes. He wants brokenness. One way he attacks is by attacking the adopting families. I can not tell you how much we have faced since we began the process. But the encouraging words we have received from you all has been so crucial to keeping our heads up and keeping us taking this journey one step at a time. Your prayers are felt and are definitely coveted. There are some days that are so overwhelming that I don’t know how we will ever reach the end of this, then I will feel a peace come over over my spirit and I will know that someone has just prayed for us. Thank you prayer warriors. God’s story is not yet finished. Keep praying us to Taiwan and back. Lloyd and I truly would not be able to do this without our village.

Our caseworker just came back from a trip to Taiwan and got to meet with the girls. They are growing and developing and just more beautiful than ever. My hearts sings and aches each time we get an update. Singing of course because we get to see more pictures and learn more about them but breaks because they are still apart and not with us. One fun little tidbit is that we learned their favorite colors! Red for Phoebe and green and for Penelope. (Speaking of which, apparently those names are really hard for native Mandarin speakers to pronounce. So we have dubbed them “Rosie” and “Pippin” for now. Easier to say and they can get acclimated to hearing English names. Also, if you saw the video we shared, the girls have pictures of us and know who are. “Momma, and Babba” never sounded sweeter than it did coming from their mouths. (Melt my heart.)

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